I am a highly motivated and dedicated undergraduate researcher at Mississippi State University. I plan to pursue a PhD following graduation, where I will start my career goal of becoming a chemical researcher. I started chemistry undergraduate research in the spring semester of my freshman year. I was working with protein growth, DNA extraction, and analysis in the Fitzkee Lab. I familiarized myself with protocols and instruments involving biological chemistry. I realized my chemical research interests were expanding, and I searched for a new environment. I joined my current lab, Creutz Lab, where we specialize in bioinorganic studies (June 2020-Present). Our current project focuses on metal chelation of manganese using polyimidazole ligands, mimicking the mechanism of calprotection found in the human immune system. Most recently, I was involved in an REU under the recently founded Pharmaceutical Engineering program at Virginia Commonwealth University, co-mentored under Michael Peters and Mo Jiang. I love SMACS because it shows that chemistry can be exciting and interesting instead of just hard equations and reactions, and I enjoy that we outreach to students and Starkville community members to have everyone experience science!