
SMACS creates 2.25-in. round buttons as a fundraiser. We are able to accommodate custom designs. You can download our template to create your own design and submit it to us. Single buttons can be made the same day. Small orders can usually be handled within 24–72 hours. Please note that we are a small operation and may or may not be able to handle larger orders promptly, particularly during busy times of the semester. Feel free to email us in advance at smacs@chemistry.msstate.edu if you have any questions.



Order Now

  1. Download our button template.
  2. Fill out the template with your own design(s) (see template instructions below).
  3. Send to smacs@chemistry.msstate.edu with the number of buttons you want and when you need them.
  4. You will be sent an email update when your order is processed for payment. We will provide an estimated order completion date.
  5. Submit payment (after step 4)
    • Cash
    • PayPal
    • Venmo: MSU-SMACS
  6. Following payment, your order will be prepared.
  7. You will be notified via email when your order has been completed.
  8. Completed orders can be picked up in Hand 1115 or Hand 1130.

Custom Design Template Instructions